目前分類:影想詩想 (367)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2015-01-14 芒花飛舞 Miscanthus flower fly /石某 (37) (5)
2015-01-14 靠近天空 Close to the sky /石某 (37) (6)
2015-01-13 痛哭流涕 Crying runny nose /石某 (27) (5)
2015-01-12 味道 Smell /石某 (28) (4)
2015-01-11 詩情畫意 Painting poetry /石某 (29) (2)
2015-01-11 詩的故鄉 Hometown Poetry/石某 (22) (4)
2015-01-07 曙光 Dawn of Light /石某 (28) (5)
2015-01-06 垂釣寂靜 Fishing silence /石某 (51) (12)
2015-01-05 水中天 Water sky /石某 (34) (6)
2015-01-04 迷霧的鄉愁 Fog of homesickness /石某 (35) (6)
2015-01-02 滿漁船 Full of fishing boats /石某 (42) (12)
2014-12-29 騰雲駕霧 Flying Cloud driving fog /石某 (42) (10)
2014-12-28 享受 Enjoy/石某 (27) (6)
2014-12-27 信箱 Letter Box /石某 (28) (4)
2014-12-22 含苞 Bud /石某 (34) (9)
2014-12-21 八煙聚落 Bajen Settlement /石某 (64) (5)
2014-12-21 行者 Walker /石某 (21) (3)
2014-12-20 輕撫 Light ask /石某 (14) (2)
2014-12-19 水中央 Water Central /石某 (35) (8)
2014-12-17 陪伴 Accompany /石某 (30) (5)
2014-12-15 懷念磚窯 Miss brick /石某 (21) (3)
2014-12-15 峰迴路轉 turn mountain /石某 (23) (1)
2014-12-14 漾 Ripple /石某 (27) (2)
2014-12-14 奮起湖火車站 Rose Lake Station /石某 (42) (7)
2014-12-14 特富野古道 Te Fuye trail /石某 (53) (4)
2014-12-12 回首看著你 Looking back watching you /石某 (31) (2)
2014-12-11 人生風景 Life Landscapes /石某 (30) (4)
2014-12-05 一枝草,一點露 A grass, dew point/石某 (42) (4)
2014-12-05 平溪 in Pingxi/石某 (26) (4)
2014-12-01 甜豆 Sweet Peas /石某 (36) (6)
2014-11-29 微笑的柿子 Smiling persimmon /石某 (23) (3)
2014-11-29 等待 Wait /石某 (13) (1)
2014-11-27 奮起湖便當 Box lunch /石某 (28) (8)
2014-11-27 抓天空 Grasping the sky /石某 (26) (6)
2014-11-26 因為旅行 Because travel /石某 (17) (4)
2014-11-26 柿子紅了 Persimmon red /石某 (26) (2)
2014-11-25 芒花 Mountain Flowers /石某 (35) (3)
2014-11-25 阿里山火車 Alishan train /石某 (47) (5)
2014-11-23 星星知我心 Star Knows My Heart /石某 (28) (3)
2014-11-17 情人裝 Valentine's clothes (42) (6)
2014-11-17 椅子 Chairs /石某 (19) (2)
2014-11-17 路 Road /石某 (18) (2)
2014-11-17 多久沒有這樣 How often did so /石某 (18) (1)
2014-11-16 夫妻臉 Couples face /石某 (36) (3)
2014-11-15 清靜 Quiet /石某 (27) (2)
2014-11-14 基隆嶼 Keelung Island/石某 (37) (2)
2014-11-10 因為藍 Because Blue /石某 (45) (8)
2014-11-10 大吉大利 Good luck /石某 (30) (4)
2014-11-09 回眸 Looking back /石某 (19) (3)
2014-11-09 風浪 Storm /石某 (29) (5)